Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (C) addresses the
audience during a meeting of the annual Mercosur trade bloc presidential
summit in Mendoza June 29, 2012. (Credit: Reuters/Enrique Marcarian)

Chinese leader woos Latin America with deals

Chinese leader woos Latin America with deals
Chinese President Xi Jinping (4-L, first row) poses with leaders of the CELAC group of Latin American and Caribbean states, in Brasilia, on July 17, 2014 (AFP Photo/Nelson Almeida)
"A Summary" – Apr 2, 2011 (Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Religion, Shift of Human Consciousness, 2012, Intelligent/Benevolent Design, EU, South America, 5 Currencies, Water Cycle (Heat up, Mini Ice Ace, Oceans, Fish, Earthquakes ..), Middle East, Internet, Israel, Dictators, Palestine, US, Japan (Quake/Tsunami Disasters , People, Society ...), Nuclear Power Revealed, Hydro Power, Geothermal Power, Moon, Financial Institutes (Recession, Realign integrity values ..) , China, North Korea, Global Unity,..... etc.) -

“ … Here is another one. A change in what Human nature will allow for government. "Careful, Kryon, don't talk about politics. You'll get in trouble." I won't get in trouble. I'm going to tell you to watch for leadership that cares about you. "You mean politics is going to change?" It already has. It's beginning. Watch for it. You're going to see a total phase-out of old energy dictatorships eventually. The potential is that you're going to see that before 2013.

They're going to fall over, you know, because the energy of the population will not sustain an old energy leader ..."
"Update on Current Events" – Jul 23, 2011 (Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll) - (Subjects: The Humanization of God, Gaia, Shift of Human Consciousness, 2012, Benevolent Design, Financial Institutes (Recession, System to Change ...), Water Cycle (Heat up, Mini Ice Ace, Oceans, Fish, Earthquakes ..), Nuclear Power Revealed, Geothermal Power, Hydro Power, Drinking Water from Seawater, No need for Oil as Much, Middle East in Peace, Persia/Iran Uprising, Muhammad, Israel, DNA, Two Dictators to fall soon, Africa, China, (Old) Souls, Species to go, Whales to Humans, Global Unity,..... etc.)
(Subjects: Who/What is Kryon ?, Egypt Uprising, Iran/Persia Uprising, Peace in Middle East without Israel actively involved, Muhammad, "Conceptual" Youth Revolution, "Conceptual" Managed Business, Internet, Social Media, News Media, Google, Bankers, Global Unity,..... etc.)

Map of Latin America showing countries where major protests have occurred in recent months (AFP Photo)
A student holds a sign reading "Don't shoot, listen!!!" during a protest
on June 17, 2013 in Brasilia (AFP, Evaristo)

Paraguay police search S. American football HQ

Paraguay police search S. American football HQ
The Conmebol headquarters in Luque, Paraguay, is seen on January 7, 2016, during a raid within the framework of the FIFA corruption scandal (AFP Photo/Norberto Duarte)

'Panama Papers' law firm under the media's lenses

'Panama Papers' law firm under the media's lenses
The Panama Papers: key facts on the huge journalists' investigation into tax evasion (AFP Photo/Thomas Saint-Cricq, Philippe Mouche)

Mossack Fonseca

Mossack Fonseca


"The Recalibration of Awareness – Apr 20/21, 2012 (Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Old Energy, Recalibration Lectures, God / Creator, Religions/Spiritual systems (Catholic Church, Priests/Nun’s, Worship, John Paul Pope, Women in the Church otherwise church will go, Current Pope won’t do it), Middle East, Jews, Governments will change (Internet, Media, Democracies, Dictators, North Korea, Nations voted at once), Integrity (Businesses, Tobacco Companies, Bankers/ Financial Institutes, Pharmaceutical company to collapse), Illuminati (Started in Greece, with Shipping, Financial markets, Stock markets, Pharmaceutical money (fund to build Africa, to develop)), Shift of Human Consciousness, (Old) Souls, Women, Masters to/already come back, Global Unity.... etc.) - (Text version)

… The Shift in Human Nature

You're starting to see integrity change. Awareness recalibrates integrity, and the Human Being who would sit there and take advantage of another Human Being in an old energy would never do it in a new energy. The reason? It will become intuitive, so this is a shift in Human Nature as well, for in the past you have assumed that people take advantage of people first and integrity comes later. That's just ordinary Human nature.

In the past, Human nature expressed within governments worked like this: If you were stronger than the other one, you simply conquered them. If you were strong, it was an invitation to conquer. If you were weak, it was an invitation to be conquered. No one even thought about it. It was the way of things. The bigger you could have your armies, the better they would do when you sent them out to conquer. That's not how you think today. Did you notice?

Any country that thinks this way today will not survive, for humanity has discovered that the world goes far better by putting things together instead of tearing them apart. The new energy puts the weak and strong together in ways that make sense and that have integrity. Take a look at what happened to some of the businesses in this great land (USA). Up to 30 years ago, when you started realizing some of them didn't have integrity, you eliminated them. What happened to the tobacco companies when you realized they were knowingly addicting your children? Today, they still sell their products to less-aware countries, but that will also change.

What did you do a few years ago when you realized that your bankers were actually selling you homes that they knew you couldn't pay for later? They were walking away, smiling greedily, not thinking about the heartbreak that was to follow when a life's dream would be lost. Dear American, you are in a recession. However, this is like when you prune a tree and cut back the branches. When the tree grows back, you've got control and the branches will grow bigger and stronger than they were before, without the greed factor. Then, if you don't like the way it grows back, you'll prune it again! I tell you this because awareness is now in control of big money. It's right before your eyes, what you're doing. But fear often rules. …

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Obama visits tomb of slain Salvadoran archbishop

The Hindu, March 23, 2011

The visit on Tuesday in the final hours of Mr. Obama’s five-day swing through Latin America was a symbolic gesture that some called U.S. recognition of Romero’s cause.

U.S. President Barack Obama and El Salvador's
 President Mauricio Funes listen to Archbishop Jose Luis
Escobar Alas as they tour the Metropolitan Cathedral
of San Salvador in El Salvador, on Tuesday. Photo: AP.
U.S. President Barack Obama stood, eyes closed, in a personal moment of silence before the tomb of slain Roman Catholic Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero, whose fight for the poor during El Salvador’s bloody civil war made him a national hero - and an international figure in human rights.

The visit on Tuesday in the final hours of Mr. Obama’s five—day swing through Latin America was a symbolic gesture that some called U.S. recognition of Romero’s cause.

Mr. Obama toured the national cathedral with Monsignor Jose Luis Escobar Alas, the current archbishop, and paid respects to a man ordered killed 31 years ago by an official in El Salvador’s U.S.—backed army.

Romero, now on a path to potential sainthood in the Vatican, spoke out against repression by the Salvadoran army during the 12—year civil war that killed at least 75,000 people. He was fatally shot in the heart on March 24, 1980, as he celebrated Mass in a hospital chapel.

In a homily a day earlier, the 63—year—old archbishop implored the army- “In the name of God and the suffering people, I pray, I beg you, I order you, on behalf of God, to stop the repression.”

Former guerrilla fighters who now make up the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, the rebel group—turned—political party, called the visit historic. Salvadoran President Mauricio Funes is the first to be elected from the leftist party, breaking a 20—year hold by the conservative Nationalist Republican Alliance in 2009. He has apologized for the Salvadoran government’s role in Romero’s assassination.

Mr. Obama and Mr. Funes both lit candles at the side of the tomb, which features a cast sculpture of Romero lying in repose with female figures poised at each corner.

“Romero is an inspiration,” Mr. Obama said.

During an official dinner afterward, Mr. Funes noted Mr. Obama’s visit to the tomb during his toast to the U.S. president.

“It’s a gesture the people of El Salvador will never forget,” Mr. Funes said. “Thank you for this gesture and your soldarity.”

No one was ever convicted of Romero’s murder.

The Truth Commission created shortly after the 1992 peace accords that ended the civil war determined that one of the masterminds was Maj. Roberto D’Aubuisson, one of the founders of the Nationalist Republican Alliance.

Before his death in 1992, D’Aubuisson denied ordering Romero’s killing, and his party never accepted the Truth Commission’s findings. Others involved will never be punished because of an amnesty in 1993.

Romero was born to a humble family in an eastern Salvadoran province and announced his desire to enter the priesthood early on.

During the war, death squads composed of civilian and military funded by the Salvadoran elite killed seminarians, nuns and priests who worked with the rural poor, according to the Truth Commission’s final report.

Romero’s growth in national popularity and international stature came as he advocated for his people.

He became “the voice of the voiceless” and every Sunday condemned from the pulpit the massacres and killings of innocent civilians in military operations. For conservatives of the country, the archbishop was a subversive.

“Brothers, you are our own people, killing your own brothers,” he said in his last sermon at the Cathedral of San Salvador, where he is now buried in the basement, a floor below the altar. “No soldier is obliged to obey an order that goes against the law of God.”

The kneeler by Romero’s tomb was used by Pope John Paul II, who, on his first trip to Central America in 1983, praised the archbishop as “a zealous pastor whose love of God and service to his brothers led him to give up his own life.”

However, the Salvadoran Catholic Church was unsuccessful under John Paul in getting the Vatican to accept the cause of beatification of “Saint Romero of America,” as he became known. The process wasn’t started until May 2005.

Not everyone was happy with the Obama visit.

Mr. Obama “should also go to the grave of Major Roberto d’Aubuisson,” Mario Valenti, a former president and member of Arena, was quoted by the newspaper El Mundo as saying last week.

But Mr. Obama stayed with his tribute to Romero, nodding gently as he opened his eyes.

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